The last few weeks of winter can be miserable. The fun and excitement of the holiday season is gone, and the warmer weather seems like a distant dream.

Luckily, spring is only around the corner, but there are still a few more weeks of winter left, and it’s important to stay vigilant for the typical winter causes of a leaky basement. With a little foresight, most of them can be tackled or prevented.

Here’s our list of the top 4 reasons that you might find yourself dealing with a leaky basement this winter.

1. Clogged Gutters and Drains

Clogged gutters and drains are a surprisingly common reason for basement leaks and floods. Debris collected in your drains can cause water to back up and overflow into your basement. Check your downspouts too. If they’re draining water onto the ground close to your foundation, it could end up seeping into your basement.

Check your gutters regularly for debris or have a professional come and check them for you. You can check them yourself if you have a tall ladder, but don’t forget to follow gutter cleaning safety advice.

2. Leaky Window Wells

Window wells are great at blocking moisture from windows, but just like gutters, they need checking regularly to make sure that they aren’t blocked with debris. If the water is pooling in the wells instead of draining away, that could cause a leak in your basement.

3. Warm Basements and Cold Ground Outside

If the ground surrounding your home is frozen or covered in snow, the heat from your basement can cause snow or moisture frozen into the ground to melt. Even unfinished basements can radiate enough heat to cause this kind of water seepage, so if your basement isn’t already waterproofed, you may begin to notice leaks and damp spots in your basement.

As the water melts, the resulting moisture can seep through your basement walls. Over time, the pressure formed by this water can even cause cracks in your basement walls. If you have existing wall cracks, the moisture can very easily enter your basement

4. Your Sump Pump Needs Maintaining or Replacing

Sump pumps are great for keeping your basement dry, but if your sump pump isn’t working properly, water will accumulate and potentially flood your basement. It’s important to check on your sump pump regularly to make sure that it’s still working. If the power supply to the sump pump is interrupted for any reason, then it won’t be doing its job of keeping your basement dry. It’s also important to have it regularly maintained. We recommend you have your sump pump checked by a professional in the spring and autumn as a minimum, to ensure that all the parts are working and there is no trapped dirt and debris.

It’s important to take measures to prevent basement leaks and flooding all year round, but winter brings its own set of particular issues. At the first sign of a basement leak it’s important to take action to prevent the problem getting worse.

At Affordable Waterproofing, we have over 30 years of experience helping our customers enjoy a leak-free waterproofed basement. Contact us today and arrange a free inspection from one of our friendly and experienced members of staff.