New Jersey and Delaware residents are no strangers to the dangers of flooding. But even in neighborhoods where coastal flooding is unlikely, your basement could be at risk of unwanted water.

So what’s causing it? Some common reasons are:

Poor drainage

If the drainage surrounding your property is poor, water can collect in the soil and it will eventually find its way into your basement. The pressure from the water building up in the soil surrounding it can even cause cracks as the water tries to find its way through into your home.  When drainage is poor, even light showers can be a problem.

Flash flooding

Severe storms can overwhelm the local drainage infrastructure and create flash flooding. These flash floods can lead to a lot of water collecting around properties, and without any waterproofing protection, it’s likely that the water will easily find a way into the basement via any wall cracks and even basement windows.

Sloping land

If the land around your home slopes toward your property, water will naturally flow in the direction of your home. To avoid basement flooding, you’ll need to route the water away from your property. To prevent this, your sidewalks, patio and ground should slope away from the house and to achieve this you may have to add or remove soil.

The causes of basement flooding are many and varied, and for many properties without a basement waterproofing system, your property is at risk of basement flooding.

What’s the best basement waterproofing method?

Knowing that basement flooding puts your entire home at risk, you’ll naturally want to take steps to prevent it. A common question we get asked here at Affordable Waterproofing is ‘What’s the best waterproofing method?’ With over 20 years of experience, we know that there’s no one ‘best’ waterproofing method. The best waterproofing method is the one that’s right for your home.

The most common waterproofing method that we use is an internal water management system with a sump pump. Depending on the property, we may also recommend an external waterproofing system – such as a French drain, to tackle the problem from both sides. In some cases we might recommend other steps, such as crawl space encapsulation, to protect your home from unwanted moisture.

Until your basement has been inspected by waterproofing professionals, it’s very difficult to say what the best waterproofing method will be.


What are the real benefits of waterproofing my basement?

Waterproofing your basement helps to protect the structural integrity of your home – which is probably the biggest, most important reason to have your basement professionally waterproofed. If your home has already suffered some structural damage, it’s important to have that repaired alongside installing a waterproofing system.

Of course, another very attractive reason for waterproofing your basement is so that you can use it as extra storage, or even an extra living space for your home. Once it’s waterproofed, you can put down some basement-friendly flooring and upgrade your home by putting that space to use.

Why not contact us today to arrange your free inspection?